Taxes, fees, forms
Property tax
Property tax is imposed by the municipality. Jurisdiction is determined by the place where the property is located. The amount of tax, its reduction or exemption from tax is determined by the municipality in its generally binding regulation. The real estate tax return is filed by the taxpayer who incurred such an obligation. It arises if, during the previous year, he became the owner, administrator, tenant or user of real estate, which is subject to real estate tax. Tax return for real estate tax, dog tax, vending machine tax and non-winning gaming machine tax
Instructions for filling out the return
Dog tax
The dog tax is a local tax imposed by the municipality. You determine the tax rate in your VZN. The owner of a dog older than six months is obliged to pay the tax. If it cannot be proven who owns the dog, the tax for the dog is paid by the owner of the dog.
The owner of the dog is exempt from the tax, or holder in case the dog is:
- bred for scientific and research purposes,
- placed in an animal shelter,
- has special training and is owned or used by the holder of a license for a physical person with a severe disability.
Registration card of the dog breeder
Deregistering the dog
Accommodation tax
Accommodation tax is a local tax imposed by the municipality. In VZN, the latter determines its rate, requirements, notification period, method of collection, possibly reduction and exemption from tax. Accommodation tax is paid by the operator of the accommodation facility for the accommodated guests. By accommodation facility we understand: hotel, motel, hostel, boarding house, apartment house, spa and treatment house, tourist hostel, cottage, building for individual recreation, log cabin, bungalow, camping, minicamp, campsite, family house, apartment in an apartment building, in family home...
Declaration of tax liability
Annex: Record of accommodated persons
Local fee for municipal waste
The fee is paid for municipal waste and small construction waste generated on the territory of the municipality.
The fee must be paid by:
- A natural person who has a permanent or temporary residence in the village or who is authorized to use or use real estate.
- A legal entity that is authorized to use or uses real estate for a purpose other than business located on the territory of the municipality.
- An entrepreneur who is authorized to use or is using real estate located on the territory of the municipality for the purpose of doing business.
If the citizen's fee obligation has expired during the tax period, the municipality will refund the fee or its proportional part. The municipality can reduce or waive the fee for a taxpayer for a certain period that lasts more than 90 days during the tax period and during which the citizen does not stay or did not stay in the territory of the municipality. According to the law, the municipality can reduce the fee or completely exempt people from the fee under other conditions. This is especially the case when a natural person is: in material need, older than 62 years, a holder of a license for a natural person with a severe disability, a holder of a license for a natural person with a severe disability accompanied by a companion, a predominantly or completely incapacitated person.
KO fee waiver request
Notification of data for levying a fee for PO
Notification of data for levying the fee for FO
Forms - construction area
Notification of minor construction, construction modifications and maintenance worksApplication for a building permit
Application for permission to change the building before its completion
Application - small stationary source of air pollution for a building permit
Proposal for the issuance of approval decision
Application - small stationary source of air pollution for approval decision
Request for an additional building permit
Request for the municipality's opinion on the issuance of a building permit
Request for determination of inventory and reference number of the building
Application for permission to remove the structure
Application for change of use of the building
Application for withdrawal of agricultural land
Request for comment on the domestic cesspool
Application for the issuance of spatial planning information
Application for determining the use of traffic signs and traffic equipment
Application for the issuance of a permit for the partial/full* closure of local roads
Application for issuing a decision on the special use of local communication
Construction waste
Payment for minor construction waste is determined by Act no. 79/2015 Coll. on waste and Act no. 582/2004 2004 Coll. on local taxes and local fees for municipal waste and small construction waste. The municipality is obliged to charge a fee for this type of waste according to §78, point no. 1 letter "c" of Act no. 582/2004 2004 Coll., within the limits of "at least 0.015 euros and at most 0.078 euros per kilogram of small construction waste without harmful substances." On the basis of these laws, the municipality processed the generally binding regulations No. 3/2015 and No. 1/2016.
Citizens can bring small construction waste to the intermediate construction waste dump on Dlhá Street. The fee for small construction waste is EUR 0.020 per kilogram (EUR 20.00 per ton) and its amount is determined according to Act no. 582/2004 on local taxes and the local fee for municipal waste and small construction waste, as amended. If you need to deposit small construction waste at the intermediate landfill, contact the Termal Bystričany employee in advance at tel. no. 0908 553 840 or 0905 202 448, with whom you can agree the exact date and time of waste storage. The small construction waste dump is usually locked and it is not possible to store waste in its premises. The storage time can be arranged on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. until 3 p.m. and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Contacts and further information are listed on the information board at the intermediate waste dump and on the municipality's website. The employee will issue you a document on the amount of waste, which is the basis for determining the amount of the fee for waste storage. The citizen pays the fee in cash at the municipal office. It is forbidden to store this waste in collection containers for mixed municipal waste, or in public areas in the cadastre of the municipality or outside the cadastre of the municipality.
Types of construction waste that are allowed to be deposited at the small construction waste landfill:
concrete: which is created during the maintenance and demolition of concrete structures or concrete parts of structures,
bricks: this waste is generated during the maintenance and demolition of various brick buildings,
floor tiles, tiles and ceramics: waste arising from the renovation or demolition of bathrooms, floors, fireplaces, wall coverings, etc.
Felling of trees
The municipality of Bystričany in accordance with § 69 of Act no. 543/2002 Coll. on the protection of nature and landscape performs state administration in matters of tree protection in the first instance. Consent for felling can only be issued in justified cases after an assessment of the ecological and aesthetic functions of the wood and the effects on human health and with the consent of the owner, if the applicant is not the owner himself.
Felling takes place during the dormant season, that is from October 1st to March 31st.
Consent for wood cutting is not required:
a) For trees with a trunk circumference of up to 40 cm, measured at a height of 130 cm above the ground, and continuous shrub growth in the built-up area of the municipality with an area of up to 10 m² and beyond the boundaries of the built-up area of the municipality with an area of up to 20 m². This does not apply if the tree grows in an area with the second or third degree of protection, in cemeteries or as part of public greenery.
b) When restoring production fruit trees for the purpose of planting new fruit trees, if their planting takes place within 18 months from the date of felling. The deadline for planting new fruit trees according to the paragraph can be extended by the nature protection authority on the basis of a justified request submitted before the expiration of the established deadline, but by a maximum of six months. The one who, for the reason stated under letter b) he has cut down a tree, he is obliged to notify this fact in writing and at the same time prove that the conditions for cutting down trees have been met by the nature protection authority no later than five days after the felling took place.
c) For trees with a trunk circumference of up to 80 cm, measured at a height of 130 cm above the ground, if they grow in gardens and horticultural settlements.
d) In the case of an immediate threat to the health or life of a person or in the case of an immediate threat of substantial damage to property. The one who, for the reason stated under letter d) he has cut down a tree, he is obliged to notify this fact in writing and at the same time prove that the conditions for cutting down trees have been met by the nature protection authority no later than five days after the felling took place.
e) If the authorization or obligation to cut down results from special regulations. The one who wants, for the reason stated in the paragraph under letter e) to cut down a tree, he is obliged to notify the nature protection authority in writing of this fact at least 15 working days before the cutting down; the notification obligation does not apply to cases according to § 9 par. 1 letter l). During this period, the nature protection authority can determine more detailed conditions for felling or limit felling if it conflicts with the requirements for the protection of trees, protected species or natural habitats.
f) If felling is demonstrably necessary to ensure the care of a specially protected part of nature and landscape and if it is carried out or procured by a nature protection organization.
g) If the nature protection authority determines in advance in writing that felling is demonstrably necessary to ensure the care of a specially protected part of nature and landscape.
h) For trees of invasive species according to § 7b par.
i) For stands of fast-growing trees based on agricultural land in accordance with a special regulation and plantations of Christmas trees and ornamental trees.
j) In territories with the fourth or fifth degree of protection, where felling of trees is prohibited [§ 15 par. 1 letter e) and § 16 par. 1 letter a)].
A citizen who plans to cut down trees fills out a request for permission to cut down trees. The application is submitted well in advance, usually at least 30 days before the planned activity (Section 82 paragraph 2 of Act No. 453/2002 on Nature and Landscape Protection).
Application for felling of trees
Attachments to the application:
- title deed or other document of ownership of the land on which the trees grow,
- a picture from the land map with a sketch of trees and shrubs, for the cutting of which the application is submitted,
- an administrative fee (paid in cash to the municipality's treasury) in the amount of EUR 10.00 if it is a natural person and EUR 100.00 if it is a legal entity
Other forms
Consent to issue a child's fishing license