Veľká skala National Nature Reserve

Air protection - purchase of a multifunctional cleaning car

Project co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Slovak Republic.

In the past, our municipality was dependent on external suppliers for the management of local roads, or we used our own, but outdated, technology. Our vision was to change this fact and take another step towards cleaner and more beautiful Bystrica residents. By purchasing a multifunctional device, we ensured sufficient maintenance of local roads in the village. Regular cleaning with a modern mechanism ensures less air pollution coming from roads and public spaces.

Reconstruction of local roads, sidewalks and storm drains

Our first intention was to reconstruct the road infrastructure and sewage system in Bystričany. At the same time, we improved the quality of living in the village and made it more attractive in the eyes of tourists or potential new residents. We managed to support local business and balanced regional differences. Funds from the European Regional Development Fund were directed specifically to the repair of local roads - SNP Street and the adjacent sidewalk. Also for the reconstruction of the storm drain in the village, which drains rainwater from the local road and residential houses.