Sawing of trees in the protection zone of electric lines

17.04.2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The company SANA TERRA s.r.o., as a contractual partner with SSD a.s., is authorized to carry out felling and trimming of trees in the protection zone el. lines found that during the inspection of the 22 kV HV line 261 in the cadastral territory of Bystričany, the trees reached a dangerous height and threatened the safety and smoothness of the electricity supply. energy. On April 17, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., our company will carry out the aforementioned activity on 1.mája Street and Osloboditelų Street. We are asking the owners of gardens through which electricity passes. management to allow our workers to enter the plots, or to stay at home. If this is not possible, trees that are already in the dangerous vicinity will be cut down. The mentioned e. the line passes through the end of the gardens on the aforementioned streets. In case of questions, citizens can contact us at tel. number: 0911 341 541 p. Paulík.